Eindhoven Vijf van Vorst

Country: Nederland
City: Eindhoven
Project name: Vijf van Vorst
Type of building: New building
Type of construction: Residential

Mulleners + Mulleners Architecten BV (HAARLEM)

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The Vijf van Vorst new-build project is a first in Eindhoven. It consists of 157 ground-level homes, all of which are gas-free. For this unique project, Roval supplied aluminium sills and the Roval Kraal trim.

Vijf van Vorst in Eindhoven is without doubt a special new-build project. It is a place for people who enjoy life in a dynamic location on the edge of the city centre. The nearby park with its fresh green foliage is within sight. This is all lovely, of course, but what makes Vijf van Vorst really unique is that the 157 ground-level residences are all gas-free with a sustainable future in mind. The energy-efficient homes also have underfloor heating and cooling. We like this kind of sustainability at Roval. We supplied low-maintenance aluminium sills and - once again - the Roval Kraaltrim®. The Kraaltrim® is an aluminium roof edge with the familiar rounded frontal view reminiscent of the bead moulding of yesteryear which was widely used in former times. A lovely appearance, a touch nostalgic and above all very beautiful.